Name | Designation |
Savitha Ramesh | Chairperson of the Board |
Ramesh Kannan | Managing Director |
Jairam P Sampath | Whole Time Director & Chief Financial Officer |
Anup Kumar Bhat | Independent Director |
Koshy Alexander | Independent Director |
S G Murali | Independent Director |
Poornima Ranganath | Independent Director |
Heinz Franz Moitzi | Independent Director |
Name of Director | Designation | Position in Committee |
S G Murali | Independent Director | Chairperson |
Koshy Alexander | Independent Director | Member |
Anup Kumar Bhat | Independent Director | Member |
Ramesh Kannan | Managing Director | Member |
Name of Director | Designation | Position in Committee |
Anup Kumar Bhat | Independent Director | Chairperson |
Koshy Alexander | Independent Director | Member |
Poornima Ranganath | Independent Director | Member |
Name of Director | Designation | Position in Committee |
Koshy Alexander | Independent Director | Chairperson |
S G Murali | Independent Director | Member |
Jairam P Sampath | Whole Time Director & Chief Financial Officer | Member |
Name of Director | Designation | Position in Committee |
Savitha Ramesh | Chairperson of the Board | Chairperson |
Anup Kumar Bhat | Independent Director | Member |
S G Murali | Independent Director | Member |
Name of Director | Designation | Position in Committee |
Poornima Ranganath | Independent Director | Chairperson |
Savitha Ramesh | Chairperson of the Board | Member |
Ramesh Kunhikannan | Managing Director | Member |
Jairam Paravastu Sampath | Wholetime Director | Member |
Anup Kumar Bhat | Independent Director | Member |
Alexander Koshy | Independent Director | Member |
S G Murali | Independent Director | Member |
Heinz Moitzi | Independent Director | Member |
Policy On Material Subsidiaries | |
BRSR Policy | |
Code of Conduct | |
Code of Conduct for Prohibition of Insider Trading | |
CSR Policy | |
Dividend Distribution Policy | |
Nomination and Remuneration Policy | |
Policy for Preservation and Archival of Documents | |
Policy on Related Party Transactions | |
Terms and Conditions of Appointment of Independent Directors | |
Whistleblower Policy | |
Policy on Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace | |
Risk Management Policy | |
Board Diversity Policy | |
Familiarization Programme for Independent Director | |
Policy for Detrtmining Materiality of Events or Information | |
Policy for Procedure of Inquiry in Case of leak of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information (“UPSI”) | |
Succession Policy |
EGM Proceeding of Meeting | |
Intimation of Transcript Q3 FY25 | |
Intimation of Earnings Call Q3 FY25 | |
Change in management DCFO resignation | |
Monitoring Agency Report - For IPO and QIP Q3 FY 25 | |
Statement of Deviation or Variation - January 29, 2025 | |
Integrated Filings Q3 FY 2024-25 | |
Press Release Q3 FY 2024-25 | |
Intimation for Appointment of Company Secretary and Compliance Officer | |
Outcome of Board Meeting Q3 FY 2024-25 | |
Intimation of Earning Conference Call - Q3 | |
Newspaper Publication - EGM | |
Record Date Cut-off date for the Extraordinary General Meeting | |
Notice of EGM 2025 | |
Outcome of Board Meeting | |
Prior Intimation of Board Meeting | |
Prior Intimation of Board Meeting | |
Intimation about change of name of Registrar Share Transfer Agent | |
Analyst and Institutional Meeting Update | |
Press Release on closing actions under Joint Venture Agreement | |
ICRA Credit Rating Upgradation | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Monitoring Agency Report - For IPO and QIP | |
Intimation of Transcript | |
Statement of Deviation or Variation | |
Advertisement in Newspapers – Financials | |
Intimation of Audio Recording for Q2FY25 | |
Related Party Transaction Report | |
Outcome of Board Meeting | |
Press Release Q2 FY25 | |
Investor presentation | |
IRR Credit Rating | |
Intimation of Earning Conference Call | |
Intimation of Board Meeting | |
Extension of Trading Window Closure | |
Corporate Governance | |
Intimation of Transcript | |
Intimation of Audio Recording Post Conference Call | |
Creditrating for the Bank Facilities | |
Intimation of Conference Call | |
CS and CO Resignation | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Outcome of Board Meeting - Acquisition | |
Closure of Trading Window | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Voting Results and Scrutinizer’s Report | |
Proceeding of 16th AGM | |
Approval for Semiconductor Unit | |
Press Release | |
AGM - Newspaper Publication | |
Notice of AGM 2024 | |
Annual Report FY2023-24 | |
BRSR FY 2023-24 | |
Cut-off date for AGM e-voting | |
Convening the 16th Annual General Meeting | |
Schedule of Analyst- Institutional Investor | |
Monitoring Agency Report - For IPO and QIP | |
Advertisement in Newspapers – Financials | |
Intimation of Audio Recording for Q1FY25 Post Earnings Call | |
Statement of deviation or variation | |
Press Release | |
Earnings Presentation | |
Outcome of Board Meeting | |
Intimation of Earning Conference Call | |
Shareholding Pattern June | |
Intimation of Board Meeting | |
Corporate Governance Report | |
Closure of Trading Window | |
Intimation of Incorporation of a WOS | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings June 2024 | |
Outcome of Board Meeting | |
Earnings Call Trasnscript | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings May and June 2024 | |
Newspaper Advertisement | |
Investors Presentation | |
Outcome of Board Meeting | |
Press Release | |
Related Party Transaction Report | |
Statement of Deviation or Variation | |
Investment in ESSNKAY Electronics LLC. | |
Monitoring Agency Report | |
Intimation of Earning Conference Call | |
Prior Intimation of Board Meeting | |
Denial of News Item | |
Intimation for giving of Corporate Guarantee | |
Corporate Governance | |
Shareholding Pattern | |
Closure of Trading Window | |
Change in Management | |
Technology Provision Agreement (Kaynes Semicon) | |
Incorporation of a Wholly Owned Subsidiary | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Monitoring Agency Report | |
Statement of Deviation | |
Intimation of Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Kaynes Semicon and Aptos Technology Inc - Collaboration Agreement | |
Intimation of Transcript of Earnings Call | |
Audio Recording of Earnings Call | |
Intimation of Press release by DigiLens Inc | |
Advertisement in Newspapers | |
Investors Presentation | |
Press Release | |
Outcome of Board Meeting | |
Intimation of Earning Conference Call Q3FY24 | |
Intimation for giving of Corporate Guarantee for KEMPL | |
Intimation of Board Meeting | |
Intimation of acquisition of Mixx Technologies Inc | |
Acquisition of KSPL and KCIPL | |
Shareholding Pattern | |
Corporate Governance | |
Intimation of Closure of Trading Window | |
Outcome of Fund Raising Committee | |
Outcome of Board Meeting | |
Kaynes Placement Document | |
Intimation of Acquisition | |
Outcome of Fund Raising Committee | |
Outcome of Board Meeting | |
Kaynes Preliminary Placement Document | |
Voting Results and Scrutinizer’s Report | |
Proceedings of EGM | |
Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Newspaper Publication | |
Record Date Cut-off date for the Extraordinary General Meeting | |
Notice of the Extra-ordinary General Meeting | |
Corporate Presentation | |
Outcome of Board Meeting | |
Intimation of Schedule of Analyst, Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Intimation of Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Intimation of Board Meeting | |
Closure of Trading Window | |
Monitoring Agency Report | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Earnings Call Transcript | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Intimation of Audio Recording for Q2 FY 2023-24 | |
Intimation of Advertisement in Newspapers | |
Intimation of Change in the Composition of the Board | |
Related Party Transaction Report - Sep 30, 2023 | |
Statement of deviation or variation - Sep 30, 2023 | |
Investors Earnings Presentation under Regulation 30 | |
Intimation under Regulation 30 - Kaynes ESOP Scheme 2023 | |
Press Release in respect of results for the Quarter ended September 30, 2023 | |
Outcome Of Board Meeting Q2FY24 | |
Intimation of Earning Conference Call Q2FY24 | |
Intimation Of Ground Breaking Ceremony (Bhoomi Pooja) Of Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly And Test (OSAT) | |
Prior Intimation of Board Meeting | |
Corporate Governance Q2 FY24 | |
Shareholding Pattern Q2 FY24 | |
Memorandum of Understanding | |
Trading Window Closure | |
Intimation of Investment in Wholly Owned Subsidiary | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Voting Results and Scrutinizers Report | |
Proceedings of 15th AGM | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Intimation of Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Memorandum of Understanding | |
Record Date Cut-off Date | |
Newspaper Advt of Notice of AGM 24082023 | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Annual Report 2022-23 | |
BRSR Report | |
Notice of the 15th Annual General Meeting | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
SE AGM Intimation | |
AGM Intimation | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Earnings Call Transcript Q1FY24 | |
Analyst of Institutional Investors Meeting | |
Statment of Deviations FYQ124 | |
Monitoring Agency Report Q1FY24 | |
Q1FY24 Audio Recording | |
Newspaper Advertisement | |
Intimation for Reappointment of MD and WTD | |
Intimation for Appointment of CS and Compliance Officer | |
Press Release | |
Earnings Presentation | |
Outcome of Board Meeting | |
Intimation of Earning Conference Call | |
Intimation under Regulation 30 | |
Intimation of Board Meeting | |
Resignation of Company Secretary and Compliance Officer | |
Corporate Governance Report | |
Shareholding Pattern | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Trading Window Closure | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst or Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Schedule of Analyst Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Analyst and Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Earnings Call Trascript | |
Analyst and Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Statement of Deviation | |
Appointment of Independent Director | |
Newspaper Advertisement | |
Intimation of Audio Recording | |
Q4 FY23 Post Earnings Call - Audio Recording | |
Press Release | |
Investor Call | |
Earning Presentation | |
Outcome Of Board Meeting | |
Reschedule of Investor Meeting | |
Monitoring Agency Report | |
Intimation of Earning Conference Call | |
Intimation Of Board Meeting | |
Corporate Governance Report | |
Intimation of Appointment of Company Secretary and Compliance Officer | |
Trading Window Closure | |
Analyst and Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Analyst and Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Stock Exchange Intimation of Presentation | |
Analyst and Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Intimation of Resignation of Company Secretary and Compliance Officer of the Company | |
Intimation of Analyst Institutional Investor | |
Intimation of Analyst, Institutional Investor Meetings | |
Earnings call TrascriptFinal07022023 | |
Stock Exchange Intimation 02022023 | |
Advertisement in Newspapers Financials | |
Statement of Deviation_31122022 | |
Q3 FY23 Post Earnings Call - Audio Recording | |
Earnings Presentation Q3 FY 22-23 | |
Press Release Q3 FY 22-23 | |
Outcome of Board Meeting- January 31, 2023 | |
Earning Call Invite Q3 | |
Corporate Governance Report | |
Shareholding Pattern Q3 | |
Intimation of Closure of Trading Window | |
Analyst Investor Meet | |
Intimation of Board Meeting | |
Analyst/Investor meet Intimation | |
Investors presentation |
EGM General Meeting Video Recording FY 2024-25 | |
EGM Proceeding of Meeting | |
Natural Capitals | |
Transcript of 16th AGM | |
16th Annual General Meeting Video Recording | |
BRSR 2023-24 | |
Notice of AGM 2024 | |
Annual Report 2023-24 | |
Transcript of - EGM | |
Kaynes EGM - VC | |
Voting Results and Scrutinizer’s Report | |
Proceedings of EGM | |
Newspaper Publication | |
Record Date Cut-off date for the Extraordinary General Meeting | |
Notice of the Extra-ordinary General Meeting | |
15th Annual General Meeting Video Recording | |
Transcript of the 15th AGM | |
Voting Results and Scrutinizers Report | |
Proceedings of 15th AGM | |
Annual Report FY 2022-23 | |
Notice of 15th AGM | |
Annual Return Form MGT 7 2022-23 |
1. Details of its business | |
2. Terms and conditions of appointment of independent directors | |
3. Composition of various committees of board of directors | |
4. Code of conduct of board of directors and senior management personnel | |
5. Details of establishment of vigil mechanism/ Whistle Blower policy | |
6. Criteria of making payments to non-executive directors , if the same has not been disclosed in annual report | |
7. Policy on dealing with related party transactions | |
8. Policy for determining ‘material’ subsidiaries | |
9. Details of familiarization programmes imparted to independent directors including the following details:- | |
10. The email address for grievance redressal and other relevant details | |
11. Contact information of the designated officials of the listed entity who are responsible for assisting and handling investor grievances |
| |
14. Details of agreements entered into with the media companies and/or their associates, etc |
16. New name and the old name of the listed entity for a continuous period of one year, from the date of the last name change |
| |
20. Secretarial compliance report as per sub-regulation (2) of regulation 24A of these regulations | |
21. Disclosure of the policy for determination of materiality of events or information required under clause (ii), sub-regulation (4) of regulation 30 of these regulations | |
22. Disclosure of contact details of key managerial personnel who are authorized for the purpose of determining materiality of an event or information and for the purpose of making disclosures to stock exchange(s) as required under sub-regulation (5) of regulation 30 of these regulations | |
23. Disclosures under sub-regulation (8) of regulation 30 of these regulations | |
24. Statements of deviation(s) or variation(s) as specified in regulation 32 of these regulations | |
25. Dividend distribution policy by listed entities based on market capitalisation as specified in sub-regulation (1) of regulation 43A | |
26. Annual return as provided under section 92 of the Companies Act, 2013 and the rules made thereunder. | |
Financial-Statement - FY23-24 (Standalone) | |
Financial-Statement - FY23-24 (Consolidated) | |
Financial-Statement - FY20-21 (Consolidated) | |
Financial-Statement - FY19-20 (Consolidated) | |
Financial-Statement - FY18-19 (Consolidated) | |
Financial Statement - FY22-23 (Consolidated) | |
Financial Statement - FY22-23 (Standalone) | |
Financial Statement - FY21-22 (Consolidated) | |
Financial Statement - FY21-22 (Standalone) | |
Financial Statement - FY20-21 (Consolidated) | |
Financial Statement - FY20-21 (Standalone) | |
Financial Statement - FY19-20 (Standalone) | |
Financial Statement - FY18-19 (Standalone) |
Kaynes Circuits India Private Limited FY 23-24 | |
Kemsys Technologies Private Limited FY 23-24 | |
Kaynes Semicon Private Limited FY 23-24 | |
Kaynes Technology Europe GMBH FY 23-24 | |
Kaynes International Design Manufacturing Private Limited - FY 23-24 | |
Kaynes Embedded Systems Private Limited - FY 23-24 | |
Kaynes Electronics Manufacturing Private Limited - FY 23-24 | |
Kaynes Electronics Manufacturing Private Limited - FY 22-23 | |
Kaynes Embedded Systems Private Limited - FY 22-23 | |
Kaynes Embedded Systems Private Limited - FY 21-22 | |
Kaynes Embedded Systems Private Limited - FY 20-21 | |
Kaynes Embedded Systems Private Limited - FY 19-20 | |
Kaynes Embedded Systems Private Limited - FY 18-19 | |
Kaynes International Design & Manufacturing Private Limited - FY 22-23 | |
Kaynes International Design & Manufacturing Private Limited - FY 21-22 | |
Kaynes International Design & Manufacturing Private Limited - FY 20-21 | |
Kaynes International Design & Manufacturing Private Limited - FY 19-20 | |
Kaynes International Design & Manufacturing Private Limited - FY 18-19 | |
Kaynes Technology Europe GMBH - FY 22-23 | |
Kaynes Technology Europe GMBH - FY 21-22 | |
Kaynes Technology Europe GMBH - FY 20-21 | |
Kaynes Technology Europe GMBH - FY 19-20 | |
Kaynes Technology Europe GMBH - FY 18-19 | |
Kemsys Technologies Private Limited - FY 22-23 | |
Kemsys Technologies Private Limited - FY 21-22 | |
Kemsys Technologies Private Limited - FY 20-21 | |
Kemsys Technologies Private Limited - FY 19-20 | |
Kemsys Technologies Private Limited - FY 18-19 |
Assessment of Electronics System Design & Manufacturing, Skill Development (ESDM) In India |
Group Companies Financials |
Offer Agreement dated April 13 2022 | |
Registrar Agreement dated April 13, 2022 | |
Monitoring Agency Agreement dated October 18, 2022 |
ALTERED_AOA-Private to Public Conversion-24.03.2022 | |
ALTERED_MOA - KAYNES-08.04.2022 |
Kaynes - SEBI Ack (DRHP) |
Fresh Cert. of Incorp. consequent upon conversion |
Inprinciple_letter_to_company_India_Kaynes-NSE | |
Kaynes Tech_Inprinciple-BSE |
SSHA-CCPS-Series B_All Signed_SHA_22 OCT 2021 |
NSDL Tripartite Agreement |
SSHA-AGREEMENT_24.12.2021-CCPS Series C-all signed |
Kaynes_Tripartite Agreement_CDSL |
Kaynes_Share Purchase Agreement_all signed-IIFL |
Kaynes - ESOP Scheme 2022-February 25 2022 | |
Kaynes - ESOP Scheme 2022-October 14 2022 | |
Kaynes - ESOP Scheme 2022 |
Kaynes_Share Purchase Agreement - Fully Executed-Ashoka |
Examination Report June 2022 | |
Kaynes Ind AS Final Financials June 2022 Restated KP8.4 Signed |
JV AGREEMENT_01.10.2018-MoE |
Complaint Proposed IPO of Kaynes Technology India Limited-20.04.2022 | |
FW Kaynes Technology India Limited - DRHP FILED IS FRAUD-21.06.2022 | |
Kaynes - Response to SEBI on Complaint-27.04.2022 | |
Kaynes IPO - Responses to SEBI Clarifications on Complaint-28.06.2022 |
Kaynes_SSA_Execution Version_10Oct2022-All Signed |
Kaynes_OL_SEBI |
Kaynes_SSA_Execution Version_Final-14.10.2022-All signed_Volrado |
Memorandum of understanding dated October 13, 2022 |
Annual Report_19-20 | |
Annual Report_2020-21 | |
Annual Report_2021-22 |
Examination Report June 2022 | |
Kaynes Ind AS Final Financials June 2022 Restated KP8.4 Signed |
special tax benefit |
Board Resolution - Offer for Sale |
EXTRACTS_EGM-01-04-2022-Borrowing Powers & creation of charge-180(1)(a) & 180 (1) (c) | |
EXTRACTS_EGM-01-04-2022-Govind Remuneration | |
EXTRACTS_EGM-01-04-2022-IPO Approval | |
EXTRACTS_EGM-01-04-2022-JPS-Re-appointment | |
EXTRACTS_EGM-01-04-2022-MD Remuneration | |
EXTRACTS_EGM-01-04-2022-Poornima ID-appt | |
EXTRACTS_EGM-01-04-2022-Premita Remuneration | |
EXTRACTS_EGM-01-04-2022-SR Remuneration |
Catalyst - Consent Letter-JSA_compressed | |
Consent from Crawford Bayley_compressed | |
consent letter-KP RAO |
Catalyst - Consent Letter-JSA | |
Consent from Crawford Bayley_compressed | |
Consent From SS-RK | |
Consent Letter of Independent Director-Anup Bhat | |
Consent Letter of Independent Director-Murali SG | |
Consent Letter of Independent Director-Poornima | |
Consent_Independent Director- Koshy Alexander | |
Consent-FFI | |
DAM Capital | |
JPS Consent KMP | |
Kaynes Consent-RTA | |
Kaynes Technology India Limited_Consent Letter 041522 signed-Frost & Sullivan | |
RK Consent KMP | |
Sharekhan Limited | |
SR Consent KMP |
KAYNES consent-Resurgent India Ltd |
Chartered Engineer-Consent |
Consent Letter (RJNA) - KT |